Thursday, March 02, 2006

Rumors of a White Squirrel Wedding...

I've been hearing reports that we have our first White Squirrel wedding in the making. Has anyone else heard about this? It's been floating around town but I don't have a confirmed report. Someone told me that 30 people had already reserved hotel rooms for the event. If you know something about this, let me know and perhaps we can do a story on it. We have a great Gazebo with a White Squirrel weather vane on top that would be great. It's right out in front of the courthouse.

Sponsorships for the festival are coming in. If anyone knows someone who would like to be a sponsor, they will get a lot of good PR out of this event. We have package from $500 to $5,000 and they come with web links and signage and ad in the paper and all kinds of good stuff. It would be great to have Purina or some pet food manufacturer take a sponsorship.

Got word from Misty at that she would be making a repeat visit. She has all kinds of cool squirrel stuff so visit her online store and then come see her at the festival.

Saw our first White Squirrel up on Knob Creek (five minutes from town) just a couple blocks from our house. So they are working their way up the mountain!

There should be story on the festival this week in the Transylvania Times. I'll keep you all posted.


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