Squirrel Box Derby workshop!

1st Annual Squirrel Box Derby
Gravity Race Down Jailhouse Hill
Start building now!
Come to the 2nd free Workshop
Saturday, March 31, 10:00 – 12 noon
O.P. Taylor’s Toy Store
Adding the Body to the Framing
with John Taylor
Winner of Chimney Rock Gravity Race:
Judges and Peoples Choice Awards 10 Years in a Row!
Derby takes place during White Squirrel Festival
May 26-27, 2007
Downtown Brevard
Ages 8-17 years: Free Entry
Businesses: Compete for the Golden Nut Trophy
Sponsored by:
French Broad Place, LLC
Heart of Brevard
828-884-3278 or www.brevardnc.org
I loved what you all do for this town! Bravo!!! I have already incorporated with the help of a mobile welder a full roll bar and real seat belt restraints. Last year was a blast. Getting out and building a neat car with my son and not caring how much $ it cost to make it. Then getting together with our fellow neighbors and racing our homemade racers down jailhouse hill was too fun! But, the one thing we all noticed and maybe you didn't is that we had to follow the lines on the road that city painted. We understand that was for our safety not to bump into each other. But, the racer that had the lane on the left had an advantage to the other side. We are very proud of our little racers and I been talking with some of them. I'm the guy whose going to ask because they picked me! LoL! Anyway if we purchased enogh yellow caution tape to map out two seperate and equally straight lanes would you all consider letting it pass? We thought of using small bags of sand to weigh them down too. That will be purchased by us as well. It's not permanant.No harm to the nice new street and all would have an equal chance to win.Let me know via email @ dwightsprofservices@msn.com
See you soon.
Hi Dwight,
Thanks for the input, and yes, I believe they are doing something this year to make the line as straight and even as possible. A number of solutions have been suggested, since the hill has a "crown" on it and move slightly to the right at the bottom. I believe it favored the right lane last year a little bit. There's even been talk of staggared starts, like in track. So we'll see, but they are aware of it.
Also, I believe we are going to have automatic starting gates this year. If you want to start a conversation with other builders, I created a forum at http://WhiteSquirrels.com. Just click on "Forum" and scroll down. Leave a post there and we hope to get a bunch of cart builders using that as a place to discuss design ideas.
Thanks! Phil Davis
Hi Phil!
Thanks for your reply. I was contacted by Madrid andwill be helping with the line for the derby. I'm skilled @ building, so if you need any help with the starting gates you proposed let me know. Wow you all are need a pat on the back. Hopefully this derby racing is a tradition that stays with our town for many years to come!
Sorry for the blunders in my previous comments. Forgot to hit spell check.lol.
Here is a site that I saw maybe it could help with the starting gate. There isn't much info on plans for soapbox derby starting gates. I tried to google it many times using different words til it became tiresome.
-Good Luck!
Google: Pack 240- Pinewood Derby Track Starting Gate. Then, just scroll down and you'll see what I mean.
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