Wednesday, March 29, 2006

White Squirrel in the News!

Hey WSF Fans!

Jonathan Rich from the Hendersonville Times gave our little squirrely friends some great coverage yesterday. Check out the White Squirrel story, complete with the musical lineup.


At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed reading your site. I have never attended the White Squirrel Festival and am planning to be there this year. I need to know where to park. Is there a shuttle bus?

Let me know something please.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Phil Davis - Tungsten Branding said...

If you plan on driving, there's parking throughout the downtown. But it's best to park in the city parking lots behind Ace Hardware or Blue Ridge Quick Print (both of these are on Main Stree and parking lots are just behind each store). The new $11 million dollar library will also be open and there should be parking there as well. Downtown Brevard is only about 4 square city blocks so wherever you park you will be close to the event. Just try to arrive early. The event kicks off at 10am each day and takes on a second wind come evening with all the muisc. Hope this helps. Let me know where you hail from!


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