Squirrel Box Derby Results!

Well for those of you who didn't attend, the 1st Annual Squirrel Box Derby was a bit at the White Squirrel Festival. We had 26 vehicle entries and 30 racers (some people used the same cart in two different divisions) We also had a number of incredible spills, but fortunately no one was seriously injured. The most amazing crash came in the adult/business semi-finals with the Team Lagati car against the infamous John Taylor's OP Taylor scream machine. It was neck and neck the whole way down the hill until the Lagati cart began to wobble. Right at the finish line, in a dead heat, the team Lagati cart began to spin out of control and flip. Check it out the stills on this run! The Lagati driver was scraped up and shaken, but okay. OP Taylor's car went on to face the Freedom Flyer (Just to the left of the checkered flag) in the finals, only to lose by a few feet.
If you plan to build a cart for next year's race, there will be some modifications to the rules, so be sure to check the WhiteSquirrelFestival.com contest link in the coming weeks. John Taylor vows to hold on to his overall "Golden Nut" trophy, now proudly displayed in his store front window. That's the cumulative prize for having the fastest, squirrliest, nuttiest and people's choice points. Actual winners in each category will be posted soon.

Wow, I was just scouring the Web when I found your blog. This sounds like an amazing festival. I'm definitely going to have to attend next year.
I'm finished carving my 8'x3'x4' blue foam mold and need to find someone to vac.mold it. I remember someone talking last year,maybe John @ O.P.Taylors, that there was a fella it town that has this service. Any help in finding him soon would be great!
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